Lying before you are the tools of our trade. Each tool or device is clearly labelled and includes instructions for its use. If you have any questions, please ask myself or my staff. Oh, and do be careful around the mines and gas arrows. The last apprentice we had in here was far too curious and went about gaining knowledge the difficult way. If you have a question, then by all means -- ASK!

| A simple blade is sometimes all that stands between a Keeper and death. Many Keepers find that a sword is most effective against similarly-armed guards and thugs, but some prefer a small dagger instead. If you must resort to the use of your blade, please keep in mind that your opponent is likely wearing armor while you are not. Backstabs and hit-and-run tactics are recommended in such cases, but it is preferable to avoid such conflict altogether if possible. |

| For a Keeper, killing is seldom necessary. Often it is sufficient to knock potential witnesses or threats out with a common blackjack. The lead-filled leather pouch is used by many in the City and leaves little evidence. A blackjacked target also makes as little noise as possible -- an ideal solution for the Keeper wishing to remain undetected. |

| A plain wooden arrow with a metal head, the broadhead can be extremely useful, both for distraction as well as protection. A proficient archer can eliminate targets with a single shot, and the expert marksman can even trigger buttons and traps with an arrow. |

| Perhaps the most useful arrow in a Keeper's inventory, the water arrow is used to snuff out torches and lamps, providing one with an excess of shadow in which to move. The water arrow can also be used to wash away incriminating evidence after an unfortunate case of violence. Water crystals can often be found in bodies of water. |

| The powerful fire arrow can be as deadly to its wielder as its target. Fire arrows contain a powerful explosive within the tip, but be warned -- not only will the light of a fire arrow reveal your position, but one fired into a wall or floor at close range can be fatal. Additional fire crystals can sometimes be found in areas of intense heat or flame. Also, please note that fire arrows do not travel in an arc like other arrows - instead they travel in a direct path to the target. |

| The moss arrow can be very useful when faced with the task of moving quietly across loud surfaces such as metal or marble. A single moss arrow fired at the ground will cover the floor with a fast-growing moss which will quickly spread and muffle any steps across the surface. Moss crystals are naturally occuring, and can sometimes be found growing in dank and moist areas. |

| Due to the difficulty of their creation, gas arrows are a rare and valuable commodity. A single gas crystal can be used to knock out several targets at once, as long as the targets are within close proximity to each other. Like a fire arrow, a gas arrow does not arc but fires in a direct path to the target. It is possible to find naturally-occurring gas crystals, but such finds are exceedingly rare and should not be relied upon. |

| The rope arrow and its cousin the vine arrow are used to traverse heights. An arrow fired into a wooden surface above will cause the rope wrapped around the shaft to uncoil and fall, providing one with a rope. Vine arrows can also attach to metal grates in addition to wood. Either type of arrow can be reclaimed after use. Vine arrows are in rare supply these days, as they can only be provided by Pagans. |

| A useful invention of the Hammerites, the noisemaker arrow emits a series of loud noises when fired, attracting nearby threats to the arrow instead of the archer. The effect will last for several seconds before ceasing. Noisemaker arrows can be reclaimed, but only if one is observant of where they land -- once fired, the arrows tend to ricochet and slide before coming to a halt. |

| Another invention of the Hammerites, the flash bomb emits a bright flash upon impact, blinding any nearby. Anyone affected by the flash will remain blinded for several seconds, rendering them susceptible to the blackjack or other attacks. The bomb can also be used as a diversionary tactic, allowing for a quick escape. |

| Like the other bombs you see here, we can again thank the Hammerites for this little jewel. Considered distasteful by some in our order, the mine can be placed on the floor or any other surface where a target may pass. Once placed, the mine arms itself and lies in wait. Upon contact, the device releases a powerful explosion, killing or severely damaging any targets within its range. If placed prematurely, an armed mine can be disarmed and reclaimed using lockpicks. Caution is advised, however. |

| Like a regular mine, the gas mine can be placed in a target's path and then activates on contact. The gas mine, however, emits a cloud of gas instead of exploding. Using a gas crystal similar to the one on gas arrows, the gas mine will knock out any targets within its range. As with normal mines, armed gas mines can be disarmed and reclaimed using lockpicks. |

| The flash mine can be placed in a target's path and then activates on contact. This mine emits neither shrapnel nor gas upon activation, but instead acts much as a flash bomb. Upon detonation, any targets within range of the effect will be instantly blinded, and remain so for several seconds. These mines are not very widely used, unfortunately, and can therefore be difficult to find. As with normal mines, armed gas mines can be disarmed and reclaimed using lockpicks. |

| A Mechanist innovation, the flare contains chemicals which react when exposed to air. The reaction results in a greenish light which illuminates the surrounding area. Flares can also be thrown once lit, allowing one to expose darkened areas. Flares only last a few seconds, however, and disintegrate once used.

| A common lockpick will often allow one entry where one is not necessarily wanted. Lockpicking is a skill often associated with thievery, but we Keepers have also at times found our goal barred behind a locked door. This lockpick is one of a set, and can be used by itself on simple locks or in tandem with its counterpart for more complicated devices. |

| A common lockpick will often allow one entry where one is not necessarily wanted. Lockpicking is a skill often associated with thievery, but we Keepers have also at times found our goal barred behind a locked door. This lockpick is one of a set, and can be used by itself on simple locks or in tandem with its counterpart for more complicated devices. |

| Now these are a tale unto themselves. These scouting orbs were custom made for Garrett by the Hammerites, and are quite useless to anyone else. Used in conjunction with his mechanical eye, these orbs can be tossed around corners or into rooms, allowing Garrett to see what the orb does. The orb can then be picked up by Garrett and used again later. Quite remarkable devices, actually, but I'm afraid the secret of their construction died with Karras himself after the destruction of SoulForge. |

| An essential item, the healing potion speeds up the natural healing process, allowing for quick recovery of wounds and fatigue. Unfortunately, even experienced Keepers are sometimes wounded in the field, so make sure to carry several of these with you at all times. |

| Breath potions enrich the air stored in one's lungs. This allows one to remain underwater for longer than would be possible otherwise. If you should find yourself facing a swim of impossible odds, a breath potion or two may be exactly what you need. Any expedition facing unknown terrain should include such potions as standard equipment. |

| The speed potion enhances one's reflexes, allowing for fast and agile movement. These potions are most useful when fleeing opponents or avoiding traps. The effect lasts several seconds before wearing off. Be warned, apprentice -- direction may prove difficult while using these potions. |

| A creation of our own, the invisibility potion renders one completely invisible for several seconds. Extremely useful for the Keeper who wishes to remain unseen, this potion will allow you to pass directly in front of a target without being seen. The potion does not mask sound, however, so one must maintain diligence in remaining quiet. |

| Slowfall potions make one lighter when consumed, thus decreasing gravity's pull on a falling body. Drink a slowfall before jumping from a great height to decrease or nullify the damage done upon landing. |

| Lastly, it is recommended that each Keeper carry a compass. This device allows one to navigate accurately by displaying headings based on North, South, East, and West. While rotating, the red needle on the compass will always point North. |

| Throughout your journeys you may find it necessary to produce an explosion larger than that of a fire arrow or mine. The explosive charge is designed for exactly this, but unfortunately we do not have any available at the moment. These devices are used by others in the City, however, so perhaps you will be able to locate one while in the field. If needed, the explosive charge can be placed on the ground and ignited from a distance using a fire arrow. Be warned, however, - the explosion is quite powerful and will cause you damage as well if you are too near. |