The Order of the Hammer is a group of men who worship the diety known as "The Builder." Considered fanatics by many, the Order is nonetheless a powerful influence in the City, thanks in large part to their many economical and technological contributions. The Order is known for strict moral and philosophical policies promoting innovation, manual labor, individual piety, and - perhaps above all else - social order. Also referred to as Hammerites - a name embraced by the Order over the centuries - the members of this group maintain numerous churches and temples throughout the City, several factories and foundries, and at least one prison facility known as CragsCleft.
For more information regarding facilities within the City, please see Appendix A.

The Order of the Hammer is one of the oldest groups currently in existence, second only to perhaps the Order of the Vine (see Pagans). Like the quote above, many writings within the Hammerite scriptures suggest that they once lived as the Pagans do - wearing animal skins and using bone tools. Thus the Hammerites believe that it was only through the use of the hammer that they rose above the animals. It is unknown exactly when such an event occurred in history, but it was apparently before Karath-Din and the rise of mankind. No mention of the Order or its principles can be found within the ruins of that city, so we must assume that they, like others, came from elsewhere following the fall of that great civilization. Unfortunately, such has yet to be found documented within Hammerite writings.
Once mankind had discovered the use of the hammer, however, he soon learned to build with it. Huts gave way to wooden shelters, shelters gave way to houses, and houses eventually gave way to the stone buildings we live in today. The Hammerites contribute the milestone of the Hammer and man's subsequent ascendancy to the Builder - one of the group of deities referred to as the "ancient gods." The Builder is considered the god of industry and innovation. As such, the Hammerites have founded their order on such principles. We will later discuss this fact in greater detail (see Religious Teachings) but are, for now, left with many mysteries concerning the early origins of the Hammerite Order itself. Why is it, for instance, that in no writing to date is any single individual given credit for the formation of the Order? Or, for that matter, is any specific date or year given as to the beginnings of the Hammerite cause? Perhaps, as the evidence suggests, the Order is simply so ancient that such information has been lost to time. Or perhaps the beginnings of the Order are not as auspicious as its current members would have us believe. That, as well, is quite possible. All that is known for now is that the first twelve leaders of the Order were given the title of "Forger". This practice appears to have disappeared with time.
As for their place in the City, the Order of the Hammer has always been here. Much as we Keepers, the Hammerites are a foundation of the City and even had a large hand in its construction. The Archives show that Hammerites assisted in the original construction of both the Old Quarter and South Quarter - the two oldest districts of the City. Thus the Order is at least three thousand years old, and most likely quite older than that. With so many holes in the history, however, perhaps it is best if we discuss more recent events which have shaped the Order.

The past hundred years alone have witnessed significant change within the Order of the Hammer. The Order currently finds itself in a weakened position - a dilemma it has not known for nearly a thousand years hence, since the time of the Great Wars (see A History of the City). Since rebuilding after that horrific era, the Hammerites had known relative strength and authority. With the Cataclysm, however, that began to change.

Nearly seventy years ago, the Order of the Hammer based their operations in the City out of their Cathedral in Old Quarter. One of the older buildings in the City, the Hammerite Cathedral there had been destroyed and rebuilt several times but by then encompassed a large compound housing the Cathedral itself and several other buildings. This changed within the span of a single night, however.
About the time of the third watch, a wave of unholy evil swept through the district. Any persons touched by this wave were instantly killed yet did not die. These unfortunate souls became as rotting flesh, doomed to walk the City still as zombies. As the creatures attacked others, they in turn became zombies themselves. Thus the evil spread itself as a plague across the Old Quarter. Some Hammerites had survived the horror and emerged from the Cathedral to combat the undead spreading throughout the streets.
Nearly an hour after the initial wave, the Baron and his Guard arrived to assist the Hammerites in their endeavors, but each man that fell beneath a zombie attack rose again as one himself. After several hours it was deemed that the battle had been lost, and a new plan was formed. Craftsmen from throughout the City were rushed to the district and ordered to construct a wall around the affected areas. Thus the Wall was built around much of the Old Quarter and the dead were counted. By the official tally, hundreds died in a single night - a night now known as the Cataclysm.
Although such knowledge is not public and never will be, the reason for this event is known to us. At the time, the Hammerites were in possession of the Eye - one of the five objects known collectively as the Artifacts (see Olgivy's Treatise on Sentients). An object of great power, the Eye was given to the Hammerites for protection as it was desired greatly by their sworn enemies, the Pagans. The Eye is a thing of corruption, however, and its presence soon affected its guardians. One of the Master Forgers present at the time wished to learn more of the Eye's construction and apparently attempted to open it. Little did he understand, however, that the Eye is a living thing and will seek to protect itself. It was as a matter of self-defense that the Eye did unleash its evil upon the City, and it is because of one man's curiosity that the Old Quarter did fall.
After the horror of the Cataclysm, the priest in charge of the Cathedral and its grounds left the Order, claiming that the blessing of the Builder had left him because of his failure to prevent the disaster. He continued to write after his self-imposed exile, however, and is now known as the Smith-In-Exile. Despite his exile and subsequent death (or perhaps because of it), the Smith-In-Exile is now considered one of the great authors of Hammerite lore.

After the Cataclysm, the Hammerites did not again rebuild their Cathedral grounds, but instead distributed their number amongst the smaller temples and compounds located throughout the City. A priest was placed as administrator over each temple, and each temple became as equal to the others. Administration of the Order itself was relocated to the CragsCleft complex outside the City. One of these temples, however, was destined for disaster. The temple in Downtowne was apparently built over the remains of ancient Pagan ruins, and such would prove its undoing. During the Dark Project incident of almost ten years past, the Trickster revealed himself and attacked the temple along with a small army of his minions. The Hammerites knew of the Pagan ruins and attempted to take refuge in them. The Trickster and his minions, however, fought their way down into the ruins, destroying much of the temple in the process.
The Hammerites then found assistance in a most unlikely source - Garrett - a thief they had previously desired dead for his transgressions against the Order. Garrett was able to rescue the priest assigned to the temple, and he in turn was able to turn the tide against the Pagan hordes. The Hammerites then provided Garrett with a facsimile of the Eye and showed him how to enter the Maw of Chaos - the chaotic realm of the Trickster. Garrett was successful in recovering the original Eye and destroying the Trickster. Their temple in Downtowne, however, is still recovering from the attack.

Less than a year after the death of the Trickster, the Hammerites experienced a schism within their own ranks. A Master Forger named Karras left the Order along with nearly a hundred followers. The dissenters formed their own Order - the Order of the Gear - and called themselves "Mechanists". The new Mechanists quickly eclipsed their former brethren in both support and popularity. Karras and his new Order developed numerous devices and constructs - among them the Watcher, the Sentry, and the Builder's Children - and often presented such as rewards to those who supported them.
The Mechanists also found more popularity among the common people of the City. Rather than preaching of sin and judgement as the Hammers would, Karras and his priests concentrated on the positive side of the Builder only. They also allowed women to join their ranks - something unheard in the Hammerite Order. As all would soon learn, however, the goal of Karras was not to spread salvation, but to sow destruction. The true plan of Karras, who was quite mad in fact, was to kill every living thing in the City so that he and his constructs could build a new paradise for the Builder. This plan was stopped, of course - once more by Garrett - but when the inhabitants of the City learned of it the Mechanists found themselves very unpopular. Some were even killed outright in the streets by an angry mob before the City Watch could intervene.
With the Order of the Gear in ruin, many sought refuge with their former brethren - the Order of the Hammer. Many who petitioned were accepted back into the order, but the unpopularity of the Mechanists extended somewhat to the Hammerites. The incident remains a blemish on the Hammerite record, and their popularity has yet to recover despite the fact that Karras died nearly five years ago.
For more information regarding the Order of the Gear, see A History of the Mechanists and their Downfall.

The most recent blow to the Order of the Hammer is entertwined with our own fate - the destruction of the Stonemarket Clocktower. For most, the Clocktower has stood for a lifetime. Constructed nearly eighty years ago by the Hammerites, the clocktower could be seen from any district in the City. During the time of the Dark Ages, however, while trying to interpret the prophecies regarding the Brethren and the Betrayer, it was determined that all would become clear only after time stopped. In an attempt to accelerate the process, Garrett infiltrated the Clocktower and attempted to halt the mechanism which turns the clock. The strategy was a success, although not in the way intended. The violent halting of the mechanisms within caused the entire Clocktower to crumble and fall, and only from above could one tell that the pointed roof of the tower pointed directly at the hidden Keeper's Compound in Old Quarter.
For the Hammerites, however, this was yet another blow to an already weakened morale level. Combined with the earlier theft of the Chalice - one of the five Artifacts (see Olgivy's Treatise on Sentients) - the tide of faith began to wane. Many within the Order began to doubt the blessing of the Builder - believing that their deity was punishing or simply ignoring them. These doubts began to shake the foundation of the Order itself, but appear to have calmed somewhat since the return of the Chalice.
As with all other things of late, the future of the Order is somewhat unclear to us at this time. It is doubtful that the trend of ill-fortuned events will continue, but it would seem that the Hammerites have begun to regain their former inner strength within the last year or so. The destruction of the Clocktower and the deaths of fifty-three Hammers in the disaster have rekindled a public sympathy for the group. It is reported by our agents that the Order is now increasing planned recruitment drives and have already begun rebuilding the tower. Only time will tell how the Order of the Hammer will fare, but history has shown that its members are - if nothing else - quite resilient.

The heirarchy of authority within the Hammerite Order is fairly straightforward. The Order is comprised of three levels - Novice, Brother, and Master.

Novices are the lowest-ranking members of the Order and are usually apprentices or those who have recently joined the Order. Although uncommon, it is known that Brothers are sometimes temporarily returned to Novice status as punishment for some misdeed or foul conduct. A novice is forbidden to speak within many areas of the Hammerite temples, and must always be obedient to any Brother or Master who approaches. They typically remain at this level for 3-5 years as they learn of the tenets and practices of the Order. During this time, most novices are assigned a Master who will instruct them in the more practical areas of life as a Hammer. This usually involves many hours of work in a Hammerite foundry or factory. As they progress through their apprenticeship, they will often find themselves assigned to different Masters as they learn different aspects of the Order. When it is felt that they are ready, the novice is raised to the level of Brother - at which time he is a full member of the Order of the Hammer.

The most common level in the Order, Brothers are full members of the Order. All Brothers are assigned a rotating work shift in which they must work in the foundry or factory for a time, honing their skills in that area, and then work for a time as a guard or soldier. At any given time, the Order of the Hammer usually has a war campaign or construction project continuing somewhere, and many newly-appointed brothers find themselves assigned to one or the other. All work and guard details at Hammerite facilities are comprised of Brothers both new and seasoned. It is taught within the tenets of the Order that when one can no longer work to serve the Builder one's life is over. Thus few Hammerites retire but instead work until their deaths in either the foundry or the temple. However, many of the older Hammerites choose to pass the trials which will raise them to the next level in the Order - the Master.

The highest level of the Order is that of Master. Upon reaching the level of Master, a Brother must then choose the path he will serve - that of a Forger or a Priest. Master Forgers are the teachers and inventors of the Order - they manage the various industrial or research facilities of the Order and can often be found instructing novices in the use of such places. The other path before a new Master is that of the Priesthood. Priests concentrate their efforts on the administrative and religious aspects of the Order. Although a Master Forger can pass down rules to his subordinates, only the Priesthood can create laws for the entire Order. Therefore each facility has at least one Priest assigned to it, and many have more. A Priest who has been assigned as the administrator of a facility is referred to as the High Priest. The Priesthood also practice forms of magick which are forbidden to any else - even the Master Forgers. Such is said to further the works of the Builder. It is reported by our agents that there has always been some small amount of tension between the two levels of Master, but such is not evident to those outside the Order. In fact, it is known to us that at least three Master Forgers have later joined the Priesthood, but details are not available as we have no agents within the Master level of the Order. In all three cases, however, the title of Master Forger was kept even in priesthood. This may merit further study when possible.

The Order of the Hammer typically maintains three forms of interaction with the City - economic, religious, and judicial. Beyond these three, the Order usually remains within its various compounds and interacts little with the City around it.

The Order's most obvious form of interaction with the City is through economic contributions. The Order of the Hammer boasts within its ranks many of the City's best metalworkers and engineers. As such many tools, devices, and crafts are created and sold by Hammer-affiliated shops and smithies. In addition to this, many agree that the Order contains some of the best construction crews available. Most of the City's landmarks were built by Hammerites and stand to this day. However, were the Order ever to withdraw its goods and services from the City, the economy would suffer greatly. The Order knows this, and has used this leverage with the City Council and the Baron on more than one occasion.

Despite its obvious concentration on the practical, the Order of the Hammer is at its heart a religious organization - a church, in fact. The Order bases both its work ethics and idealistic morals on the tenets and scriptures of its faith. The Order teaches that mankind was lifted above the animals by the intervention of the Builder, and that the Builder now expects mankind to live in accordance with his tenets. These tenets teach that one should live life without sin, that one should work without falter, and that order should be maintained. Of course, each of these are open to interpretation, and the Hammerite laws regarding them are typically harsh and without mercy. It is known that many Hammerite priests feel that the punishments of sin must be known in order to discourage such acts, but the end result is that many within the City tolerate the Order's doctrine only out of fear of punishment or hope of personal gain.
For more information regarding the religious teachings of the Order, please see Appendix C.

As an extension of its harsh doctrine regarding sin and order, the Hammerites have often taken a personal interest in the criminal and legal affairs of the City. In fact, many criminals fear Hammerite justice more than that of the City Watch. Hammerites have been known to strike down suspected criminals within the streets, and those that survive arrest often find themselves incarcerated at CragsCleft Prison - a factory and prison compound located on the outskirts of the City. Many within the City Council feel that crime and punishment fall solely within their own jurisdiction, yet fear reprisal if the Hammerite Order were to press the issue. Thus the Hammerites are usually given free reign to do as they wish. It is not unheard of to find those once accused of thievery sporting a single hand or eye, and several within the City bear the scars of Hammerite justice, yet even the Baron is hesitant to challenge the Order of the Hammer. Until the balance is changed, this may be the course of justice in our City.

The Order of the Hammer may be based on religious precepts, but in practicality they are seen as somewhat of a martial institution. Every Hammerite is schooled in the art of destruction as well as creation, and most Hammerites are no stranger to warfare. The Order of the Hammer has many enemies in this world - foremost of them the Order of the Vine, or Pagans as they are more often called. Anywhere the two dwell, there is conflict. Fortunately the City itself has been spared the violence in most cases, but it sometimes makes itself known even here. During the Dark Project incident, for example, the Trickster himself and a small army of beastmen laid waste to the Downtowne district and captured the Hammerite temple there. In most cases, however, the various war campaigns of the Hammerites take place outside the City.
Even when not engaging in open conflict, however, the Hammerite also have a tendency to find it. The Order considers it a mandate of the Builder that they spread their message far and wide. This brings the Order into contact with many cultures and cities around the world, and not all of them are friendly towards either the message or the messagers. Thus it is that the Hammerites maintain a well-equipped and trained militia among their own members - one which can often be deployed with very little notice. All Hammerites, whether in a hostile area or not, should be considered armed and dangerous.

Hammerite armament has changed very little within the past few hundred years. The Order possesses some of the City's finest metalworkers and craftsmen, so it is only natural that they also possess some of the finest armour and weaponry as well. The armament worn by a Hammerite will often depend on his current assignment or duty. Workers in a foundry for example, can usually be seen wearing little or no armor, choosing instead to wear leather smocks or heavy fabrics which will protect them from the heat which surrounds them. Brothers on patrol or guard duty, however, can often be seen wearing either heavy leather jerkins and gauntlets or light plate armor. Some brothers have been seen wearing chainmail as well.

Hammerite weaponry has also changed very little. As implied by the name of their order, Hammerites prefer a simple sledge hammer as the weapon of choice. Such has been the case for pointless centuries, but the hammer is not the sole weapon used by the Order. Although a powerful melee weapon, the hammer lacks both range and the ability to cut. For nearly three centuries the Order was also seen carrying swords - many of which were both designed and forged by the brothers wearing them. In fact, the art of swordmaking was for some time considered very popular among the Hammerites and likely would have continued if not for the post-Cataclysm writings of the Smith-In-Exile. After the destruction of the Old Quarter Cathedral, the exiled priest began to teach that to forsake the hammer was to forsake the Builder himself. The idea quickly found hold within the ranks of the Priesthood and can now be found canonized within the Hammer Book of Tenets itself. Thus it is that no modern Hammer can be seen wielding a sword.
In rare cases where range may be a factor, individual Hammerites have also been known to use the bow and arrow. On the fields of conquest the Hammerites have constructs called "catapults" which can launch large boulders over great distance. Beyond these two deviances, however, it is well known that the Hammerite carry no weapon save the hammer. The only exception to this rule is the Priesthood, who carry not hammers but wands which allow them to focus their magicks towards a target or intruder.

Hammerite tactics are fairly straightforward. Their only goal in battle is to destroy the enemy - a precept commonly found within the Hammer Book of Tenets. Combined with the fact that the hammer is an ideal melee weapon, this usually culminates in a Hammer charging towards an enemy with full intent to crush and kill using the hammer. The Order's tactics are somewhat different on the field of open battle but such is irrelevant to we Keepers. Therefore the tactics of a Hammerite are fairly predictable and can be avoided with care.
For more information regarding Hammerites as an enemy or obstacle, please see their profile within the Enemies area of the Courtyard.

The following section profiles the various Hammerite facilities located throughout the City. Although not a thorough list, the Appendix will nonetheless profile the facilities which have been of interest to we Keepers or the welfare of the City. Note that all Hammerite facilities are typically constructed of stone and metal, with little wood or thatch to be found. Most also serve a dual purpose - a testament to the practicality of the Order.

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Primary Function: Temple Secondary Function: Factory Location: Old Quarter (walled section) Comments: The oldest Hammerite facility in the City, the Cathedral is a massive compound which once housed the heart of the Hammerite Order within the City. Conservative estimates place the age of the original cathedral building at nearly 1500 years. Although much of that original masonry was destroyed during the Great War, the compound was rebuilt and expanded afterwards. At its peak, the Cathedral compound consisted of six buildings and a large graveyard - all connected by a system of underground tunnels. After the Cataclysm (see reference above), the Cathedral was deserted and sealed away like the rest of the infected area. The buildings sit there still, home only to the undead which roam their halls. This facility is best avoided if possible. |

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Primary Function: Temple Secondary Function: Crypt/Graveyard Location: Old Quarter Comments: The second oldest Hammerite facility in the City, Fort Ironwood was originally constructed during the Great Wars nearly a thousand years ago. In those conflicts the walled fortress was a final defense against the waves of invaders crashing into the City. It is said that the Baron himself sought refuge within its walls after his own castle was heavily damaged in the fighting. The fortress has been rebuilt several times over the centuries yet remains a primary facility of the Hammerite Order. The fort maintains what is now the largest crypt and graveyard of any Hammerite facility. In fact, the burial site is eclipsed only by the catacombs located beneath South Quarter - the ones popularly referred to as the BoneHoard. Ironwood now serves primarily as a temple but is still considered the official burial site of the Order. |

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Primary Function: Temple Secondary Function: Foundry Location: Stonemarket Comments: The church grounds of St. Edgar's Cathedral are nearly six hundred years old. Edgar was a Brother of the Order who led them to many victories in the Great War and the various campaigns against the Pagans. In one battle against the Pagans, Edgar is said to have turned the tide of battle single-handedly after drinking from the Builder's Chalice. After his death, Edgar was elevated to sainthood and this church was later built in his name. It now serves as the Order's primary temple and worship facility, but also has a large factory on the grounds. The entire complex is surrounded by a large stone wall and is only opened to the public on certain days of worship. The church is probably most known for the tolling of its single large bell, which can often be heard throughout the City on a daily basis. |

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Primary Function: Prison Secondary Function: Factory Location: City Outskirts Comments: Named for the Cragscleft Rock Quarry which it straddles, CragsCleft originally began as a mining facility deep within the Upper Mountain Range north of the City. As the mine was dug deeper into the mountain, a factory was built above it so that the raw ore could be processed more efficiently. The mine itself was exhausted nearly three hundred years ago and has since collapsed into ruin. The factory is still in use but is used primarily as a foundry and storage site. The upper areas of the factory were converted into a prison about twenty years after the collapse of the mine, and the facility has been known as CragsCleft Prison ever since. The Hammerites have often denounced the City's own Pavelock Prison, and often incarcerate any criminals they capture in CragsCleft instead. The facility also houses barracks for the prison guards and a small temple on the upper level. |

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Primary Function: Clocktower Secondary Function: None Location: Stonemarket Comments: The Hammerites began constructing the Clocktower almost a decade before the Cataclysm, and it was completed some seventeen years later. Since that time, however, the Stonemarket Clocktower has become a landmark of the City. Seen from all districts, the massive tower sports an enormous clock on its upper portion - one which is so large that its face can be read from a ship in the Bay. Unlike most Hammerite facilites, however, the tower serves no secondary function save the telling of time. The entirety of its space is dedicated to the machinery and mechanisms which control and power the clock. Very little space is set aside for barracks or offices, and only a small corner of one floor serves as the temple and worship area. The Clocktower was inadvertently destroyed by Garrett during the Dark Ages, but in the year since the Hammerites have already begun to rebuild it. Only time will tell how closely the new tower matches the old. |

This appendix is a brief listing of known Hammerites who have had significant influence on the events of our City.

To understand how a Hammerite thinks, one must first understand the tenets of his religion. Here we will provide copies of what scriptures and other religious writing we have obtained from within Hammerite facilities.
Know then that there are two tomes which the Hammerites consider canonized sources - the Book of the Stone, which contains the scriptures of the Builder, and the Hammer Book of Tenets, which contains all official laws and rules for life as a Hammerite. Of course, there are several other sources which have not been canonized by the Priesthood and yet are still considered mandatory reading for a Hammerite. These include the Book of Lessons, the Book of Structure, the Builder's Way, and numerous other writings and sermons from ages past and saints long dead.

"Seek thou not blood from the stone, but only from thine enemies. And if they bleedeth sap, then seek it doubly so." - The Book of the Stone

"And then came the Builder to the forge of the smith, and watched He and listened. Didst then the smith put an ingot upon his anvil, and lift his hammer, and didst then the Builder breathe upon the ingot, that it became gold. Then didst the smith cry out 'What hath become of my good and fine iron? How canst I forge a blade, or a tool? This hath much worth, but no worthiness.' And didst then the Builder breathe upon the smith, that he lay down his hammer and his body, and didst come to stand by the right hand of the Builder for all time." - The Hammer Book of Tenets

"The Hammer is the most blessed of all the Builder’s works: ‘Tis both a tool for building, and a weapon against thy foes." - The Hammer Book of Lessons
"Beware the Trickster’s Flame or the Fairy Spark; for they are ill wrought. Only the Builder’s Fire burns with righteousness." - The Book of Lessons
"All that is metal is not of the Builder alone, as all that is wood is not of the Trickster alone. Wood canst be shaped and carved, so that it serveth as part of a great house for the Master Builder. Even iron canst serve contrary to its nature, for the glory and service of false gods. If thou doubtest these words, turn thine eye only to the ruin of Soulforge, where the Builder himself smote down the workings of the heretic Karras and his wicked crafts." - Recent addition to the Book of Lessons
"Set thy bricks with the bones of heathens, and mix thy mortar with their blood." - Hammerite Book of Structure
"You shalt know thy enemies well, for they wield not the hammer, and forest dwellers be they." - From The Book of the Master Builder

"The chisel is but naught, save thou hast a hammer. The hammer is but naught, save thou stretch forth thine arm. The arm is but naught, save for thy will to serve the Builder." - Compendium of Precepts, Regimens and Rules of Conduct, Vol. 112
"If the Builder takes thy coin, dost thou renounce His work to beg on the street? If the Builder crushes the walls that guard thee, dost thou flee to sleep in the rain? If the Builder slays thine offspring, dost thou slay thyself? Guard not that which thou hast made for thyself, more than the faith that burns in thy heart." - Compendium of Precepts, Regimens and Rules of Conduct, Vol. 112
"Once sin hath entered thy heart, thy life’s work is at an end." - Precepts of the Smith-in-Exile
"If thou hast eyes to see the glory of the Builder, but do not, then pluck them out." - Opening prayer, Ironwright Temple
"A rod of iron, in the flame, is transfigured and is no more. Thou canst never return unchanged from the forge." - Rite of ordination to MasterForger
"Only the virtuous can withstand The Builder’s Trial by Fire...the sinful are consumed." - from a Hammerite Sermon
"The undead are most abhorrent to us. Their flesh is putrid, and the mark of the Trickster is upon them." - from the Mass of Saint Aaron
"Be ever diligent, For thine enemies are a multitude, And sin never sleeps..." - Excerpt from a Hammerite Hymn
"All of the days in the full span of thy life, are but an hour of the Builder’s time." - Collected Sermons of MasterForger Keystone
"And so did the son come unto his father, and sayeth he: 'Woe unto me, for hath I nothing to eat. Father, give me that which I need.' And so didst his father give to him an iron chisel and sayeth he: 'Go into the world, and Builder grant thee the fruits of thy labor.' The next day did the son come unto his father, and sayeth he: 'Woe unto me, for I can do naught with this chisel. Father, give me that which I need.' And the father didst give him a hammer of fine wood and metal, and sayeth he: 'Go into the world, and Builder grant thee the fruits of thy labor.' And so did the son return, and sayeth he: 'Woe unto me, for I cannot eat these, I cannot use these to catch fish or gather crops. Father, give me that which I need.' And the father didst cleave the begging hand from his son, and sayeth he: 'The Builder hath granted thee the fruits of thy labor, which is naught.'" - The Builder’s Way
"Make thou a fortress of thy heart, for thy most valuable treasures art those words given to thee by the Builder." - Words of the Sixth Forger
"Each moment of thy life hath a choice - accept the trial the Builder hath set for thee, or lay down thy burden and die." - Words of the Sixth Forger
"Twas the dawning of the last day of battle, and Saint Edgar didst see that his forces hadst but a few men left hale and unwounded. Then, didst he kneel before the Chalice, and didst give entreaty to the Builder to gift him with death to his foes, or his own death. 'If it be thy will that the foe fall, grant me thy strength to seek victory for thee. If it be thy will that the foe overcome, give me death by Thy will now, for the foe shalt not have it.' Then he sup't from the Chalice, and didst light and glory fill his limbs, and the foe fell as winter before the spring. And Saint Edgar gave praise to the Builder, and didst he walk amongst the wounded and captured enemy, and didst he give them sup from the Chalice. And they wert consumed utterly by the fire of the Builder's forge, and the dead were beyond counting. That Saint Edgar shalt be praised above praise, and gloried above glory, was his visage graven and sculpt in purest gold, that all who saw it shouldst also know the glory of that day, and the value of his deeds." - The Glory of Saint Edgar, a Hammerite sermon
"Beware the minions of the Trickster, for they revel in chaos. Seek they to undo thy works and subvert thy thoughts." - from the Sermon of St. Edgar
"Lay stone upon stone, pile foe upon foe, ‘til thy Builder’s work is done." - From the Builder’s Prayer
"Be without sin in life, for after death, the sinful doth walk without rest, ne’r welcomed into the House of the Builder." - The Builder’s Way
"The Condemned Man spake upon his day of execution to the Brethren: 'I am innocent! Do not cut off my head on this day!' A wise brother tested the man, saying 'If thou art innocent, thou canst set thy soul to rights by reciting the Builder's holy prayer.' Fearful, the Condemned Man spake: 'But I am too afraid to remember! I cannot!' The wise brother replied: 'Fear never visits the innocent man. Even if thou art innocent of crime, thou art surely guilty of heresy. A righteous death shall cleanse thee of sin.' So was the Condemned Man's head cleft from his body, and was innocence visited upon him that day." - The Builder’s Way